JSI Furniture Manufacturer

JSI is a company located in Jasper, Indiana (IN). Jasper is a part of Orange county.

You can find JSI on 225 Clay St , Jasper, 47546 or give them a call at 8129369977. You can ask for Mike Elliott, who is the President of the company. They are mainly in the 252198 - Wood-Office Furniture (Manufacturers) field. As far as we know, they have 110 employees and generate about $14,520,000 in sales.

JSI was established in 1929 in the city of Jasper, Indiana by seven local businessmen. JSI stands for Jasper Seating Company (Indiana or Incorporated) and as the name suggests, it manufactured seating furniture at that time.

Currently JSI is part of the Jasper Group brands and manufactures business furniture in the education, corporate, dining, and government sector.

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JSI contact information and details:
Company name: JSI
Address: 225 Clay St
City: Jasper
State: Indiana (IN)
Zip code: 47546
Phone/Fax: 8129369977 / 8129369979
Company's President: Mike Elliott
Number of employees: 110
Office Furniture Manufacturers

While JSI furniture mainly produces business products, it's sister brand KLEM creates standard hospitality pieces as well as custom interiors.

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