Oak Tree Frame Co Furniture Manufacturer

Oak Tree Frame Co is a company located in Thomasville, North Carolina (NC). Thomasville is a part of Davidson county.

You can find Oak Tree Frame Co on 725 Myers Rd, Thomasville, 27360-8009 or give them a call at 3364761181. You can ask for Ricky King, who is the Owner of the company. They are mainly in the 242601 - Furniture Frames (Manufacturers) field. As far as we know, they have 9 employees and generate about $1,665,000 in sales.

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Oak Tree Frame Co contact information and details:
Company name: Oak Tree Frame Co
Address: 725 Myers Rd
City: Thomasville
State: North Carolina (NC)
Zip code: 27360-8009
Phone/Fax: 3364761181 /
Company's Owner: Ricky King
Number of employees: 9
Oak Furniture Manufacturers
Frame Furniture Manufacturers

Additional information

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